Nonobstructive Bowel Gas Pattern – Relief Methods For Gas Problem 

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A nonobstructive bowel gas pattern refers to the presence of gas in the intestines without any physical obstruction that hinders the passage of stool or gas. Gas-related issues can be uncomfortable to deal with and may lead to many subsequent symptoms like bloating and excessive flatulence.

Causes Of Nonobstructive Bowel Gas

Nonobstructive Bowel gas pattern could be due to the following reasons-

1. Dietary factors– If your food includes gas-inducing food items like beans, potatoes, or carbonated beverages, chances are you might have frequent abdominal discomfort.

2. Swallowed air– Ingesting air while eating or drinking could also lead to the accumulation of gas inside the stomach.

3. Bacterial fermentation– The normal bacteria in the gut break down undigested food components. Although it’s essential for digestion, it can increase the production of gas.

4. Bowel mobility– When there is a change in the speed of the bowel contractions, one can often witness gas production.

Gastrointestinal DisorderGastrointestinal Disorder

5. Gastrointestinal disorders– Being affected by various diseases like IBS could give birth to gas thanks to bacterial activity.

6. Lactose Intolerant– People with lactose intolerance, a sugar found in dairy products can cause both bloating and gas production.

7. Constipation– It can slow the transit of gas through the colon leading to gas production and abdominal discomfort.

Relief Methods For Gas Problem

  1. Dietary adjustments-Identify and limit the use of gas-producing foods. If you can avoid it completely that would be ideal. Fiber intake should be increased to let the intestines work more smoothly than ever. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables could play an important part in the category. Additionally, some people are particularly sensitive to carbohydrates known as FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols). Reducing the intake of these could set you permanently free from the clutches of gas problems.
  2. Eating habits– Watching what you eat is not enough, how you eat also includes equal importance. Toward this initiative, you must eat smaller and more frequent portion sizes. Make sure you maintain gaps between your meals. This could curb the release of gas. Don’t swallow your food. Chew it properly so that it breaks down into chunks which are easy to digest.
  3. Drink Wisely– Avoid drinking carbonated drinks such as soda. They add additional gas to the system and therefore go for fresh juices or smoothies. Moreover, don’t rush when you are drinking the liquids. Give it time and take intermittent sips. Never use a straw because it would increase the chance of digesting gas.
  4. Probiotics– Make them your best buddies. Drinking probiotics could ease the bacteria in your stomach and improve gut health.
  5. Over-the-counter medications– If doing all these doesn’t make any difference for you, use activated charcoal or simethicone to break down the gas bubbles you may have ingested unknowingly. Before going for allopathic options, consult a doctor and find out the reason behind a frequent upset stomach. Chances are the reasons would be quite different.
  6. Physical activity– Don’t lie down the moment you eat. Don’t attempt strenuous activity as well. Take a light walk and let the food take its time to digest.
  7. Stress Management– when we are stressed our digestion also takes a hit. It randomly starts producing acids which would then lead to flatulence passage or in worse case acid reflux.
  8. Positioning– In some cases lying down and holding your knee closer to your chest could help you feel better.
  9. Hydration– Drink plenty of water to flush out the trapped air and to even prevent it from being trapped in.
  10. Medical attention– Visit the doctor if the symptoms increase and take a turn for the worse. Treating the disease could be the answer to your solutions.

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Besides, passing gas one could also feel a pressure building up in the gastro tract. This can also lead to rumbling sounds which are a tell-tale sign of gas production in your stomach. Patients have also complained about abdominal cramps that could get worse by the minute. If you feel like using the toilets immediately after eating food every time, there is a sign you should never ignore.


Gas is a normal by-product of the digestive process and many of us experience it as a natural process. However, if it is disrupting your regular life, you must arrange an intervention.

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Dr. David G Kiely is a distinguished Medical Reviewer and former General Medicine Consultant with a wealth of experience in the field. Dr. Kiely’s notable career as a General Medicine Consultant highlights his significant contributions to the medical field.

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